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Knowing Blood Plasma and Its Functions for the Body

Blood plasma is the part of blood that is responsible for carrying blood cells. Yellowish blood plasma and contains fibrinogen protein which functions to regulate blood clotting. Blood plasma tends to be forgotten, even though it has an equally important role than red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Various Functions of Blood Plasma

Naturally blood is not obtained from outside the body. The body forms its own blood components in the form of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and blood plasma. On average each person has a blood content of 4-6 liters in the body, depending on body weight and age of each. Although not very well known by the general public, blood plasma has an important role for the body. Protein in blood plasma functions to help the process of blood clotting as well as transporting important substances through the blood throughout the body. Blood plasma itself contains dissolved nutrients in it, including blood sugar or glucose. Blood plasma also contains salt and enzymes. Then blood plasma is also tasked with helping the body cells get rid of the wastes in the body. The body's cells carry waste, then store it in blood plasma. After that, blood plasma removes the waste.

Blood Plasma Can Support Treatment

Above has been discussed about blood plasma which has an important function in the body, especially for blood clotting. More than that, blood plasma has other benefits for endurance. The blood plasma contains substances that are important for these functions, such as:
  • Antibodies / immunoglobulins,
  • Fibrinogen,
  • Albumin, and
  • Blood coagulation factors.
Blood plasma can also be donated through a blood donor. When blood is obtained, the medical staff will separate the blood plasma and the contents that are in it. The contents will then be given to patients in need, as treatment. In patients with rare chronic diseases such as hemophilia and autoimmune diseases, therapy can be given using proteins and antibodies found in blood plasma, so they can live longer and be productive in carrying out their daily activities. Do not underestimate the role of blood plasma for health. Starting from small things such as bleeding due to wounds caused by scratches, to more serious diseases such as hemophilia, treatment can be attempted using blood plasma.


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